User Forum of Software BASEMENT

Basic Simulation Environment for computation of environmental flow and natural hazard simulation
Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)
ETH Zurich

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#1 2016-11-11 13:30:31

Registered: 2016-02-01
Posts: 16

Got an Error: edgeV was found without a left neighbour.

Hi there

I run a Basement-model in Basement v2.6.0 and got this error-file-sequence.

EXCEPTION -> An edgeV was found without a left neighbour. There is a problem with the
   mesh, please check and correct your mesh at Element Id = 1023, in file:
   BASEplane\BPGridV.cpp on line 569, Version: 2.6 R2968, compiled at: Mar  8
   2016, 20:01:05

The model can't be started and basement terminates itself. but with a very similar code, the same model run correctly in an other project.
The model itself without sediment runs quite good and without any problems.

What is it and how can i overcome this problem?



#2 2016-11-11 14:07:36

Lukas Vonwiller
Registered: 2014-09-04
Posts: 130

Re: Got an Error: edgeV was found without a left neighbour.

Hi David

There must be a problem with a sediment element of the Dual-mesh used for sediment transport.
There are some cases where the Dual-mesh can't be generated properly.
Most likely there is a bad sediment element near a boundary or break line.
Therefore, I would suggest to visualize the sediment grid with the output type = 'sediment_grid'.
Search for the hydraulic element with Id = 1023. Then adapt your mesh accordingly.

Hope this helps
Best, Lukas

Hope this helps


#3 2016-11-11 16:19:44

Registered: 2016-02-01
Posts: 16

Re: Got an Error: edgeV was found without a left neighbour.

Hi Lukas

Thanks. I found the problem. there was a "hole" ending with a single point on the Quality-mesh border. So this didn't work out but now i changed it to two points and it works perfectly.

Have a nice Weekend.


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