BASEMENT Basic Simulation Environment for computation of environmental flow and natural hazard simulation Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW) ETH Zurich | ![]() |
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Dear all,
I am trying to model one dimensional sediment transport case using BASEMENT v2.6. When I prepare the block of suspended_load, the initial file is required. Is there any one knows the format of the file?
Best wishes!
Wei Huang
Last edited by huangvy (2016-04-05 02:39:23)
Hi Wei,
this is an example of an initial file for suspended load transport in 1D:
time: 0.0
C Mixture
CS1 0.0005 suspended_load
CS2 0.0005 suspended_load
CS3 0.0005 suspended_load
In the first row, you define the initial time (here: 0.0). In the second row, you write "C" and "Mixture" (this is needed). In the third and following rows, you add your initial state in the following form: name of the cross section - initial concentration - mixture. Please be aware that concentrations are given in volume concentation, i.e. in "volume of suspended material per volume water". In the example above, the volume concentration would be 0.05%.
Let us know if it works.
BASEd regards,
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your kind reply. However, the software is still out of work although I prepared the file following your example. It can run with the bedload transport only. Once the suspended-load module is added, the soft cannot start with a tip "no response". The block of suspended load is listed as following:
local_slope = on
scheme = quickest
sink_velocity_type = vanrijn
exchange_type = concentrations
sediment_exchange = on
file = regionH_3SedSus1.dat
name = inlet_sus
type = suspension_discharge
string = upstream
file = Sediment_stationary.txt
mixture = IniBed
name = outlet_sus
type = out_down
string = downstream
Is there anything wrong? How can I fixed it? Your kind help is appreciated.
Hi Wei,
this is an example of an initial file for suspended load transport in 1D:
time: 0.0
C Mixture
CS1 0.0005 suspended_load
CS2 0.0005 suspended_load
CS3 0.0005 suspended_load
...In the first row, you define the initial time (here: 0.0). In the second row, you write "C" and "Mixture" (this is needed). In the third and following rows, you add your initial state in the following form: name of the cross section - initial concentration - mixture. Please be aware that concentrations are given in volume concentation, i.e. in "volume of suspended material per volume water". In the example above, the volume concentration would be 0.05%.
Let us know if it works.
BASEd regards,
Hi Wei,
did you try to run your model with suspended load transport only (i.e. without bed load transport)? Maybe there is a problem in the interaction of both transport modes. Did you vary the pickup factor? This factor can be an important parameter as well.
Could you please upload your files so that I can have a look at your model in detail?
BASEd regards,
Dear Daniel,
I tried to run the model only with the suspended load, there is an error "Mixture: suspended_load is not defined. Please check the mixture names. Program cannot continue." I don't know how to fix it . Moreover, I am not aware of how to upload files here. Maybe I could email you?
Hi Wei,
maybe there was a misunderstanding: in the third column of your initial file, you define the name of your mixture. This is the name you defined in BEDMATERIAL > MIXTURE > name. In my example, I named it "suspended_load", in your case it might be a completely different name. Basically, BASEMENT needs to know the mixture of the initial suspension. You can choose any of your mixtures.
If this does neither help you nor solve the problem, feel free to send me an e-mail.
BASEd regards,
I am trying to simulate basechain morphological model . The model runs with bedload but as i try to add suspended load, the computation blows up.
Following error message is thrown up
// --------------------------------------------------
// BASEMENT log file:
// Version: v2.8.2// bmc file: E:/LocalF/Basement/lake_HaHa_student/run_lake.bmc
// started: Thu Nov 23 23:47:52 2023
// --------------------------------------------------
EXCEPTION -> z1 != z0, in file:
on line 89, Version: v2.8.2, compiled at: Jan 19 2022, 00:08:15
Will appreciate any help.