User Forum of Software BASEMENT

Basic Simulation Environment for computation of environmental flow and natural hazard simulation
Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)
ETH Zurich

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#1 2024-07-25 13:59:15

Registered: 2024-02-21
Posts: 12

SOURCE BLOCK - Unwanted Bed Load flux

Good afternoon,

I want to model a suspended load release since I want to assimilate it to plastic particles. The flow is in a steady state. I have the regular geometry of the Arno River as the basechain.

The bed load needs to be fixed, so I didn't include the bed load block.

I tried using a suspended load discharge from a cross-section, but the model crashed, and I couldn't fix it. So, I tried using the EXTERNAL_SOURCE block.

In this case, the problem is that once the model reaches the time step of the release, a bed load flux appears, causing the concentration curve to no longer be Gaussian but a curve with a plateau.

How can I fix this?

Thank you for your time.



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