BASEMENTBasic Simulation Environment for computation of environmental flow and natural hazard simulationLaboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)ETH Zurich |
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Hi, here i report an error from Basement V3:
BASEplane setup binary
Copyright: (C) 2020 ETH Zurich / Laboratory of hydraulics, hydrology and glaciology (VAW)
-> composing the model from the input file
-> found aggregate <hydraulics_aggr>
-> found aggregate <hyd_boundary_aggr>
-> found aggregate <hyd_friction_aggr>
-> running on 1 threads
-> generating the content from the model components ...
-> model component <EdgesAll/FluxesHy> is internal -> no content defined!
-> model component <CellsAll/IsWetted> is internal -> no content defined!
-> model component <CellsAll/ChezyCoe> is internal -> no content defined!
-> model component <NodeStrg/StateVar> is internal -> no content defined!
-> model component <EdModDat/LocalDat> is internal -> no content defined!
-> model component <Parameters/InvGravity> is internal -> no content defined!
-> check consistency of generated content...
-> go through the tree!
-> succesfully validated the input file <C:/Users/franz/Desktop/Piave/model.json>
-> creating the hdf5 file <C:/Users/franz/Desktop/Piave/setup.h5>...
-> generating the content from the model components ...
-> model component <EdgesAll/FluxesHy> is internal -> no content defined!
-> model component <CellsAll/IsWetted> is internal -> no content defined!
-> model component <CellsAll/ChezyCoe> is internal -> no content defined!
-> model component <NodeStrg/StateVar> is internal -> no content defined!
-> model component <EdModDat/LocalDat> is internal -> no content defined!
-> model component <Parameters/InvGravity> is internal -> no content defined!
-> check consistency of generated content...
-> go through the tree!
-> reading the mesh file <C:/Users/franz/Desktop/Piave/test.2dm> ...
-> time for mesh file parsing: 22.117s
-> Number of Nodes: 1453723
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to NodesAll/set
-> writing (1453723/3) data of type '2' to NodesAll/Coordnts
-> writing (2900626/3) data of type '1' to CellsAll/Topology
-> Number of cells: 2900626
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to CellsAll/set
-> writing (2900626/1) data of type '2' to CellsAll/GeomArea
-> writing (2900626/3) data of type '1' to CellsAll/EdgesAll
-> Number of edges: 4354355
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to EdgesAll/set
-> writing (4354355/1) data of type '2' to EdgesAll/GeomLeng
-> writing (4354355/2) data of type '2' to EdgesAll/NormVect
-> writing (4354355/2) data of type '2' to EdgesAll/CharSize
-> writing (4354355/2) data of type '1' to EdgesAll/CellsAll
-> found NodeString: Monte1
-> found NodeString: Valle1
-> found NodeString: Monte2
-> found NodeString: Monte3
-> found NodeString: Monte4
-> found NodeString: Monte5
-> found NodeString: Valle2
-> found NodeString: Valle3
-> found NodeString: Valle4
-> found NodeString: Valle5
-> writing (10/1) data of type '4' to NodeStrg/StrNames
-> writing (10/1) data of type '1' to NodeStrg/ListSize
-> writing (10/40) data of type '1' to NodeStrg/EdgesAll
-> writing (10/40) data of type '1' to NodeStrg/EdgeSign
-> writing (10/40) data of type '1' to NodeStrg/CellsAll
-> found region: KS_10
-> found region: KS_15
-> found region: KS_20
-> found region: KS_25
-> found region: KS_30
-> found region: KS_35
-> found region: KS_40
-> found region: Alveo
-> Number of Series files: 1
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to InSeries/set
-> writing (1/12000) data of type '2' to InSeries/NumValue
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to InSeries/ListSize
-> found a boundary condition: hydraulics/STANDARD[0]/M1
-> found a boundary condition: hydraulics/STANDARD[1]/V1
-> found a boundary condition: hydraulics/STANDARD[2]/M2
-> found a boundary condition: hydraulics/STANDARD[3]/M3
-> found a boundary condition: hydraulics/STANDARD[4]/M4
-> found a boundary condition: hydraulics/STANDARD[5]/M5
-> found a boundary condition: hydraulics/STANDARD[6]/V2
-> found a boundary condition: hydraulics/STANDARD[7]/V3
-> found a boundary condition: hydraulics/STANDARD[8]/V4
-> found a boundary condition: hydraulics/STANDARD[9]/V5
-> Total number of boundary data: 10
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to EdgeData/set
-> writing (10/7) data of type '2' to EdgeData/NumValue
-> Number of BC interpolations: 5
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to EdInterp/set
-> writing (5/2) data of type '1' to EdInterp/KeyPostn
-> writing (5/1) data of type '1' to EdInterp/InSeries
-> writing (5/1) data of type '1' to EdInterp/NodeStrg
-> writing (5/1) data of type '1' to EdInterp/EdgeData
-> Number of edge based data modifications: 5
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to EdModDat/set
-> writing (5/7) data of type '1' to EdModDat/ModfInfo
-> writing (5/2) data of type '1' to EdModDat/NodeStrg
-> writing (5/1) data of type '1' to EdModDat/EdgeData
-> writing (1/1) data of type '2' to Parameters/CFLnumber
-> writing (1/1) data of type '2' to Parameters/DTmax
-> writing (1/1) data of type '2' to Parameters/MinWaterDepth
-> writing (1/1) data of type '2' to Parameters/Gravity
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to Parameters/FrictionOn
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to Parameters/FrictionType
-> writing (1/1) data of type '2' to Parameters/MorphStart
-> writing (1/1) data of type '2' to Parameters/FluidDensity
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to Parameters/SafeMode
-> writing (2900626/3) data of type '1' to CellsAll/EdgeSign
-> Number of shallow water edges: 4347523
-> Number of wall boundary edges: 6670
-> Number of boundary edges: 162
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to EdgesSWE/set
-> writing (4347523/1) data of type '1' to EdgesSWE/EdgesAll
-> writing (4347523/2) data of type '1' to EdgesSWE/CellsAll
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to EdgHydWL/set
-> writing (6670/1) data of type '1' to EdgHydWL/EdgesAll
-> writing (6670/1) data of type '1' to EdgHydWL/CellsAll
-> Number of Hydraulic Boundary Conditions: 162
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to EdgHydBC/set
-> writing (162/1) data of type '1' to EdgHydBC/EdgesAll
-> writing (162/2) data of type '1' to EdgHydBC/CellsAll
-> writing (162/1) data of type '1' to EdgHydBC/EdgeData
-> Number of NodeStrings: 10
-> writing (1/1) data of type '1' to NodeStrg/set
-> writing (10/1) data of type '2' to NodeStrg/TotalLen
-> writing (2900626/1) data of type '2' to CellsAll/BottomEl
The error is the flollowing:
-> out of range (2898273>=2898273), in file: Z:\src\setup\Substance.cpp on line 188, version v3.0.2
the mesh was generated with Basemesh 1.45
Any idea of the problem and how to fix it?
Best Regards
Resolved, it was a breakline problem inside the Qgis geometry
Hi Franzaffa
I'm dealing with the same error message!
Could you briefly describe the breakline problem you identified in some more detail?
Thanks and best regards!
I found the solution to the problem: I did not define all friction values for all regions of the .2dm!
A tip for pros: If you get errors like this, compare the setup.h5 files: use a setup.h5 of a simulation that was running correctly and see where there are missing entries in the incomplete setup.h5-file. The entries give you a hint on where there might be missing definitions in the model.json file.
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