BASEMENTBasic Simulation Environment for computation of environmental flow and natural hazard simulationLaboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)ETH Zurich |
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I am currently working on modeling suspended load transportation in a 56 km river, which includes 3,065 cross-sections with 20 m gaps between each. The river five tributaries.
The simulation I am conducting is based on hydraulic steady-state results. I assumed clear water conditions (SSC = 0 g/L) throughout the river, with a constant discharge and 0 g/L SSC for the upper boundary and tributaries 2, 3, 4, and 5. Only tributary 1 has varying discharge and SSC inputs to observe how suspended sediment is transported.
However, I encountered the following warning multiple times:
WARNING -> Bedload control volume mixtures differ more than 0.1 percent, is
sumofbeta = 1.02956, thickness = 0.02, element = IP_cs_68_cs_69_0.39544669
WARNING -> Bedload control volume mixtures differ more than 0.1 percent, is
sumofbeta = 1.04673, thickness = 0.02, element = IP_cs_68_cs_69_0.39544669
Additionally, I received the following error, which caused the model to stop:
ERROR -> Newton-iteration to calculate water surface elevation (z) as a function
of the wetted area (A) failed for cross section
'IP_cs_195_cs_196_0.33305671'. Maximal number of iteration (1000) was
Requested A = 4.2739e+32
Current z = 0
A-Anew = 1000
[z0,z1] = [1300.2, 1342.06]
[A0,A1] = [0, 2344.58]
Please try to (1) start simulation with wetted initial condition, (2) check
To address the "Newton-iteration" error, I have already tried the suggested solutions found here ( Specifically, I defined the main channel and bottom ranges, checked the potentially problematic cross-sections, and adjusted the downstream slope. I also experimented with changing the “min_interval” and “max_interval” settings. While these adjustments delayed the error, they did not resolve the issue.
Below is the current configuration of “SECTION_COMPUTATION” in my model:
"internal_levees": "on",
"type": "table",
"max_interval": 0.005,
"min_interval": 0.001
"minimum_water_depth": 0.01,
"riemann_solver": "roe",
"simulation_scheme": "explicit",
"stretch_boundary_elem": "yes"
And here is setting of “SUSENDED LOAD”
"string": "upstream",
"type": "suspension_discharge",
"file": "ssc_initial.txt",
"mixture": "unique"
"string": "downstream",
"type": "out_down"
"concentration": 0.0,
"mixture": "unique",
"type": "global_value"
"scheme": "quickest",
"sediment_exchange": "on",
"diffusion_factor_dynamic": 1,
"sink_velocity_type": "vanrijn",
"local_slope": "off",
"exchange_type": "concentrations",
"settling_velocities": [
"pickup_factor": 0.0
Error and warnings happen when I set the "sediment_exchange" to be "on"
I would greatly appreciate any advice or insights you might have on how to resolve these issues.
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Best regards,