BASEMENTBasic Simulation Environment for computation of environmental flow and natural hazard simulationLaboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)ETH Zurich |
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Pages: 1
Good morning
It's possible to extract Qsed output [m3/s] values whithin the mesh and only for some elements in a 2d sediment transport model?
I know that it's possible for the boundary of the model, but it's also possible for some cells or nodes?
I must to extract this values to compare my model for two scenarious, the first with and the second without the interferences caused by a landlslide.
I would know also if it's possible to introduce a internal source of sediment, like a sediment hydrograph, inside and not at the boundary of the mesh model.
Last edited by lorenzo.scopetani (2021-10-12 10:50:13)
Thanks for your reply.
I think that for my problem I can use the special output "grain_bedload", so over all my nodes I can extract Qsed [m3/s] for every time step.
But I don't understand how the software calculated this Qsed [m3/s], so when I load this sol. files what we can see? Qsed is an average for the cells or for the nodes? if I select "node_cenetered" type I think the results file is only for the node center of the cell, and so I can see how sediment flow [m3/s] enters in my nodes every time steps, it's right?
Pages: 1