BASEMENTBasic Simulation Environment for computation of environmental flow and natural hazard simulationLaboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)ETH Zurich |
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The defined regions can be named under REGIONDEF by the corresponding "index", in my case "10". Writing the setup file succeeds. But as soon as a friction is allocated to the named region under HYDRAULICS - FRICTION - regions, writing the setup file will give the following Error Output:
-> out of range (66156>=66156), in file: Z:\src\setup\Substance.cpp on line 188, version v3.0.2
The number "66156" is the count of the cells with regions index "10".
Did I miss something?
Hi Raphael,
could you provide us with at least the REGIONDEF and the HYDRAULICS parts of your model.json file? Open the file with a text editor and copy paste those parts here, thanks!
I've had this error before, in Basement v3.0.x. It happened, when an area had a missing region point. If I'm not wrong, Basement 3.0.x didn't allocate the default friction to areas with missing information, but threw this error. Are you using Basement 3.0.x? Try looking for the missing region point. If you are running the same setup on BM v3.1, you should not get this error again, if you have the same issue as I had.
But, careful: missing region points will probably create triangles that are too big, since your area value is also missing. So look for the missing region point nontheless.
Thank you for your answer.
I found the reason. I had to define the friction for region with value 0 as well. I thought, that value 0 would be defined by the default friction. But that's not the case.
It would be nice if default friction was marked as not necessary in case friction is defined by regiondef.
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