BASEMENTBasic Simulation Environment for computation of environmental flow and natural hazard simulationLaboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)ETH Zurich |
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I'm having an issue when importing .sol file into QGIS 3.4.11 regarding the timestep units. Altough the time units are defined as seconds in the file, when importing into QGIS, it seems that it is read as hours... never happened before. Any thoughts on this?
OBJTYPE "mesh2d"
RT_JULIAN 2433282.500000
ND 19179
NC 30960
NAME "depth"
TS 0 0x0.000000000000p+0
TS 0 6.000000000000e+01
Many thanks
João Barreiro
Environmental Engineer (MSc) - PhD Student
I've just managed to solve the problem. In the .sol file, TIMEUNITS' first letter must be capital letter, so "Seconds" instead of "seconds".
Be well
João Barreiro
Environmental Engineer (MSc) - PhD Student
There is the same problem with basement 3.1, that not allow to product video with crayfish. The matter is that there is that in the ecwd the string for the timestep is like "
<Grid GridType="Uniform" Name="Timestep">
<Time TimeType="Single" Name="time = 4200.000000" Value="4200.000000">"
How can it be corrected?
There are known issues with the way crayfish handles time.
I suggest you to properly set the time in the mesh layer properties window (double click on mesh layer/Temporal/Provider Time Setting set seconds as unit) and export the animation using the temporal controller.
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