User Forum of Software BASEMENT

Basic Simulation Environment for computation of environmental flow and natural hazard simulation
Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)
ETH Zurich

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#1 2015-07-23 10:34:16

Registered: 2014-10-01
Posts: 102

Boundary conditions for local time stepping

Dear forum members,

I have a big model (50000 cells) and in a one part with about 50 cells , I have locally refined the mesh and added about 2000 cells there (50 times local mesh refinement). This considerably slows down the computation. I want to isolate that dense mesh part (artificially, because otherwise it is seamlessly integrated into the model) and create a subdomain. Now, I have two sub-domains : refined mesh small part and rest of the model. I want to use local time stepping to reduce the calculation run time. My question is which boundary conditions should i use to connect the two sub-domains so that the effect of boundary conditions does not or as little as possible affect the solution in the refined mesh sub-domain?



#2 2015-07-24 09:51:39

Stephan Kammerer
Registered: 2015-03-31
Posts: 67

Re: Boundary conditions for local time stepping

Hi Sajjad,

in my view the only option would be to chose a coupling type 'sequential' to connect both 2D domains. Therefore it should be clear which one is the upstream and which is the downstream subdomain. Chose the option 'two_way_coupling=yes' to ensure that the water surface elevation is handed over to your upstream domain.

Regards Stephan


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